Value Analyzer Helps Investors Find Value-Style Investment Opportunities
Recognia's Value Analyzer is a powerful analytics tool that allows you to quickly identify and evaluate equity investment opportunities based on value investing principles.
It allows you to fully automate the analysis of a stock using a wide range of fundamental factors, permitting you to determine the fair value. It offers a simple and intuitive view of all investment metrics used to estimate the intrinsic value of a specific stock, all in one place.
By removing the emotional aspect of investing, Value Analyzer helps you make better decisions and achieve better performance.
Value Analyzer is designed to offer you several benefits:
- Validate your investment ideas. Determine if a stock is overvalued or undervalued by doing a search by symbol;
- Access a list of undervalued securities updated daily by Recognia and organized by industry;
- Filter value style securities based on your own analysis criteria, watch your favourite stocks, and spot undervalued stocks.
To use this tool, log in to the secure site and click Research > Recognia Tools > Value Analyzer.
Using a company's ticker symbol, you can examine it by displaying a summary of its financial condition. Value Analyzer combines all the key criteria to clearly and visually indicate its value:
- RED: stock is overvalued;
- YELLOW: stock is close to its fair value;
- GREEN: stock is undervalued.
If you are looking for undervalued stocks, you can use the value filter or take a look at the Featured Value Stocks page, which provides you with company names sorted by sector.
Filter value stocks based on your own analysis criteria.
Using Recognia's Value Analyzer, you can better analyze your portfolio, find investment ideas quickly and easily, and make better investment decisions.
Want to know more about the Recognia tool? See our training calendar. We regularly present free sessions about Recognia tools.
The Value Analyzer tool is part of our commitment to optimize your investment knowledge by offering powerful decision support tools, allowing you to trade with confidence.